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Mercy Primary School, Belfast

News - P1 Miss Davidson

16th Jun 2024
On Friday 14th June, the Primary 1 classes visited Streamvale Farm as part of their...
8th Jun 2024
Our girls enjoyed a fun filled music session from the Philharmonic Youth Choir. We...
15th May 2024
What a gorgeous afternoon spent doing a summer hunt outside in our beautiful school...
13th May 2024
P1CD are enjoying their weekly visits to our school library. Our P6 librarians are...
10th May 2024
This week Miss Davidson’s Primary 1 class spoke to parents and the KS1 classes...
11th Apr 2024
As part of NSPCC PANTS Campaign our School Nurse Angela visited us to deliver important...
1st Feb 2024
As part of our Once Upon A Time topic in World Around Us, we have been learning the...